Monday, November 11, 2013

[Review Request/Leaders Insolution] Leaders Insolution 2013 F/W Step Solution Set Season 2 Mask

This is for my favorite reader's review request
Actually its not the exact product she wanted
She actually wanted Leaders Insolution Derma Soul Detox Mask Review
The product she wanted is discontinued in the brand
And they made new series, so I hope she'll understand :)
For people who wanted Leaders Insolution Derma Soul Detox Mask I'll tell you which you can use instead :)

Anyway we all know new products tend to be better :P

This brand is special because group of professional doctors got together
to look for the most effective and safe products

So Let's take a look
I took this picture with my phone 
because my DSRL camera is currently at the hospital(A/S)
I'll get them later today, but I wanted to quickly upload these products 
because it's SOOO GOOD (Spoiler Alert!)

Leaders Insolution Step Solution Set Season 2
Let me take one by one and introduce it to you all
I got 4 out of 9 product
These 4 mask is the most popular so I decided to get them to introduce :)

These are all HUMAN TESTED

This is for people who has dark, dry skin
Who experience white skin cells or makeup rolling off 
because it doesn't cling(Not because of oil)

This is mostly for people who want Moist
If you look at the back it has more information but its all in Korean
"For Dry/All Skin Types"

"For People looking for something to take the pace of Leaders Insolution Derma Soul Detox Mask"

For people who are experiencing skin troubles
"For Oily Skin"

For people who has concern for dark circles, dark spots, darkening
And need whitening care

"For All Skin Types"

For anti-aging and people who wants tightening around their lose skin

"For All Skin Types"

I used them all XD
In the order the professional doc advice
Which was
Trouble Care - Anti-Aging - Brightening - Moist Care - Sensitivity Care
I didn't get the Sensitivity Care mask but if you have sensitive skin 
I strongly advice you to get them
It really helps your skin to calm down which really helps your skin 
not to react to everything

Other products they have
- Step Solution Wrinkle Filler Mask
- Step Solution Teatree Relaxing Mask
(Sensitivity Care, Trouble Care / For Oily skin, Sensitive Skin)
- Step Solution Aloe Smoothing Mask
(Sensitivity Care for Reactivate of Sensitive skin, Smooth troubled skin / Sensitive Skin)
- Step Solution Vita Bright Mask
(Whitening Daily / All skin Types)

Out of all of these I'll choose my favorite to show you the inside

Insolution Mela-Tox Skin Clinic Mask

Can you see the zoom in?
I did my best with my Galaxy 2 :(
You can see that there is small texture to this cream


Jelly like stretching
and very moisty :)

Me wearing this mask
It's very like but not transparent
It has a great flexibility so I didn't experience rip unless you did it on purpose

It is light enough for you to hold your head upright maybe slightly forward is okay
I wore this while watching TV So, no problem getting stuff done while your are doing this mask before sleep :)

Before / After

I don't know if you can tell, but over all...yeah its bit dark :/
My pore seems to be tightened and became a bit brighter
Overall redness is gone and my skin became so much whiter
What I also noticed is that when I do makeup the makeup looks so much better and pigment more luxurious and stronger

I would defiantly recommend this for daily or mask :)

Are you interested in this product?
Are you having trouble in getting this product?
Check out my event to my readers


  1. I like the mela-tox mask too! My favorite from this range! (:

    1. :) I love the mask products overall, Love how it has mask for every skin problem and concern and even types! You can feel the brand's wrok ;)

  2. <3 <3 <3 so much love here, thanks so much dear, for dedicating this post to me <3 <3 <3
    its like receiving a box of peppero from you

    oh, I didn't know derma detox was discontinued, no wonder I couldn't find it in Korea, but guess what? Coincidentally I got these exact 4 that you introduce here! ^^ I see obvious brightening effect in your pics *thumbs up* and you are so fair-skin like most other Koreans I see on the street

    hmm on a side note, I think maybe you want to share with your reader, to ensure that the right side of the mask is facing the skin, we must be able to pull the nose tab thing down...(am I making sense? >,< I don't know how to phrase this better...)

    1. Lol, Home made personal peppero to you :)

      Well, its the same brand and this is the product that took place for the mask you wanted. Hehe, my skin is not fair, it's just I work real hard to make it look like it :)

      Yup, I know what you mean.
      Well, now all the readers will know to see their nose make sure that it isn't folded or they wore it upside down XD

  3. Wow, result of the mask looks great, instantly brighten your skin. I think... i saw them in Sasa Store. It's a must try mask ^^
    We use the same phone yey ^^! Galaxy S2

    thanks for your review

    1. Yeah for Galaxy S2! Lol, Yeah I think my skin was not in a good condition before I did the mask, the result came bigger than I thought! Do check out this I'm loving ever bit

  4. do you need to use all of the mask or just pick one individually?

    1. You can pick one individually. You can just choose a mask with features you like. I bought it all because it was a special set, and I wanted something effective to care for my skin in every way possible.

  5. Hello babe!

    Thank you for your detailed post!

    I have a few questions to ask you, hopefully you can help me on this :)

    You mentioned that we have to use the masks in this sequence is it? Trouble Care - Anti-Aging - Brightening - Moist Care - Sensitivity Care.

    Moist care and Sensitivity care is after Brightening? I was thinking if Brightening should be the last one.

    The sequence is Trouble Care(AC Dressing/Teatree) -> Anti Aging (Wrinkle Filter/Collagen Lifting) -> Brightening (Mela Tox/Vita Bright) -> Moist Care (Acquaringer) -> Sensitivity Care (Aloe Smoothing) ?

    Btw, you learnt about the sequence from professionals?
    Or it should be in any other sequence?

    Thank you babe!


    1. It was adviced by the brand that you do use in that order. However sometimes I just use what ever that I need like if I feel like my skin is bit dry and wrinkly I would go with anti anging and if I have a important day the next day I go for brightening.

      Again, it was adviced by the brand so I do not have much say to it, either you can follow the advice or go on your free way~ i think it wouldn't do anything bad if you do not follow the sequence, its just if you want the best result it is recommended.

      Hope my answer helped!


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