Saturday, November 9, 2013

Gift for myself, Korean Fashion, Fall Fashion Must-Haves Breaking

I was ill pass few weeks, and I had so many work pilled up 
(I gotta live you know)

I did visit my parents to recover but I wasn't feel so good
So I decided to give myself a gift! XD

For this fall I have brought....

These Boots! XD
Isn't it so cute?
I wanted to share it with you alll

I am more than positive this will be the Fall trend in Korea

Isn't this so cute?
If you like to see more of these kind of post let me know on the comment below ;)

If you look inside it has this fuzzy feeling
Good for cold winds in the fall XD

It also has this zippers on the back
Which could be the point of this boots but also makes it so easy to take off and wear

The Heel is about 9 cm
So to those who like high heels this is for you all ;)

Are you interested in this product?
Are you having trouble in getting this product?
Check out my event to my readers


  1. Loving the extra height these boots has! 9cm wow!! Haha, if I'm staying in a cold country, I'll definitely get these! (: Instant height booster hehehe! Good buy!

    1. Hehe, Go get it! XD
      I love these boots too the extra height makes my legs look long even if I wear long coats. I'm loving ever bit of it

    2. Haha, I'd totally want to get something like this! I need the extra height! (:

  2. wow those are just beautiful!
    from where you got them? :OOO

  3. agree that its a good idea to gift yourself once in a while to cheer yourself up XD

    1. It's the way girls live
      That's why we have man to give us gifts XD

  4. LOL, I heard there is up to 17 valentines-related days in a year in Korea. Is that true? Yes, I would love to see more post on fall items, and fall coordinates ^^

    1. XD I think there would be more but there are days couples celebrate
      Like today is PePeRo Day, where people give chocolate sticks to the person they love or care.
      Really? Do you like these fashion post? hehe, I'll try to upload them more often

    2. happy peppero day to you my dear! hope you have received lots of peppero by now \\\(^__^)/// Yes, it provides an insight to the latest trend in Korea, did you get them on Gmarket?

    3. Nah, from a fashion website, I tend not to trust Gmarket because it's kinda like ebay.
      You never know who's selling and never know the product you saw online is the same.
      Online fashion website has actual human wearing and exact size in cm and such :)

      But again its so cute


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