Saturday, March 14, 2015

Get It Beauty The BEST Hand Cream

I get a especially dry during the spring. I experienced a lot of time when I bought a hand cream without much though and how I didn't like it because it's sticky or not moisturizing enough! That's why I like to see what Get it Beauty Blind Test have to say about the product. It really helps with people to make a choice and a good one too!

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I love this product personally because of the Vitamin E and coenzyme Q10 which is a plus from the good moist. This does have moderate stickiness but with the moist that it gives I can give it a pass.

2. Place is Skin Food Rose and Shea Butter Hand Cream
LOVE this for the features of whitening and sun block, something that is not common with hand creams. But we all want pretty hands. So I ran to get one of these after the Get it Beauty. I did think the scent is soft enough but it did got me sneezing (I am bit allergic to scent)

I will question the moisturizing but I love the cool mint feeling it gives. It's a nice gel type so it's great for everyday for the SUMMER when it get bit more sweaty and less dry.

4. The Face shop Beta Berry Whitening Hand Cream
I used a lot of this during the winter because I got a bunch during a sale. Well I do not regret the purchase even if it's 4th place. Because out of these four product it was the least sticky in my opinion. There is not much scent so it was good enough for me :)

What have you used before? Let me know on the comments below!


  1. I've never expected the markup for the kamill handcream to be so high! It costs about 2€ in Germany D:

    1. The prices is never the scale of the product's quality dear, That's why people loves Korean Cosmetic! There are cheaper products with quiet high quality. Although I did hear that it gets expensive overseas

  2. Get the best organic hand cream at affordable prices from Organic SCA


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