Sunday, February 8, 2015

How to Learn Korean Fast and Easy and Why Its Not Difficult

Korean is Not difficult

Since I write about Korean cosmetic many girls ask if I know anything about learning Korean. I hear so many people saying that it's so hard that some people don't even bother learning it even if they are living in Korea. But I find that not totally true. Korean is languages made very logically, and if you just learn those sequence like math (uh oh) it isn't as hard as you imagine. I will be telling you about where you can get training both for free and both with cost. What to choose will totally up to you. But I suggest to do all. for fast and quicker way to learn Korean.

When it comes to hard languages people tend to have negativity towards Korean, Mandarin, and Arabic. But I think "If you Think it is difficult, it will be difficult!" 

Reasons Why It's Not Difficult

#1 Korean Alphabet is not hard at all

Yes it looks no different to Chinese and Japanese but the alphabet itself is not hard as you might think.

You have to think Korean as a block, placed right to left, up and down.

But why does this feel so hard? It's the familiarity that needs to work.
When you read English even if there is typo "yuo cna sme wat udnertnd"
Same thing, with Korean you need to see more Korean and get used to reading it not as a language but as one block of picture. It's just this process feels hard.

You can try to get used to Korean by using Korean keyboard. Did you know that the left hand will only type the Consonant and the right hand only the vowels? By learning to type you naturally learn about the vocabulary very fast. I suggest get a keyboard that has Korean if you can't there is free online Korean typer here.

#2 Logical Grammar

Although things get a little bit more complicated when you talk to elderly. (There is a way of speach depending on the age, job status, etc unlike western country you can't just become friends with anyone older than you, Respect is very strongly followed in Korea.)

  • Verbs are easy!

The word -하다(-다) mean "do" just add any noun in front and you make a verb. So easy! Let's say the verb "잘하다" (doing good) it is good + do = doing good.
If you learn some verbs you will notice that it's very similar with adverbs and passives. So learn one verb you learn more!

  • Nouns Don't Change

In English you guys give different nouns depending on the gender or number etc. Like "He, She, You, We" this makes it hard for Koreans to learn English but it will be easy for you! Korean don't change the noun. Example, "너"(you) it's the same for she, he or it. If we add "에게"(to) 너에게 means "to you".

  • No Descriptive Verbs

If you want to say "I am Cool" in Korea we just simply say "I Cool" There might be bit of change to the verb such as adding "-이다"(it is) example : 바나나이다(It is a Banana)
You will get used to the pattern to the additional stuff soon but overall the pattern is not too hard to notice the pattern, isn't it?

#3 Easier for English Speaker

You don't know how many Konglishes there is in Korea. Konglish is Korean words that is pronounced like a English word. You will quickly catch these words and you will still be speaking Korean and it means the same thing.
e.g Banana (바나나 : Ba-Na-NA), Switch (스위치 : S-We-Chi)

#4 Phonic Is Piece of Cake

Unlike some English word that is pronounce so different than how it was spelled. Korean is read exactly as it is written.
The only thing that you will feel uncomfortable is that the some emerge together which is bit hard to pronounce like 'ㄴ'+'ㄹ' will pronounced not as -n + Li it is pro nounced as -nol + Li. There are set of sound that emerge like this. It's hard to pronounce but you'll get it soon :)

How to Learn Korean Fast and Easy

1. Good Book #1 : Korean for Beginners : Mastering conversational Korea 

A good book that I saw in a book store the other day is Korean for Beginners : Mastering conversational Korea by Kyubyoung Park, I love that it's not a very long book but has all the information for beginners. This is more for those who start with no knowledge of basic of Korean and how Korean works. The CD also comes with good pronunciation of Korean that will help you get started with your Korean.

2. Good Book #2 : Elementary Korean (2nd Edition) by Ross King

Great book great for starters I suggest you either go for Book #1 or this one. Although the audio isn't the best but the book itself is great for every beginners!

3. Paid Learning Program : Rocket Languages Korean
I saw good review about this program for speaking but has it's own limit.

4. Youtube Classes

I see a lot of subbed drama and talk shows and even more classes of Korean Learning
One YouTube that caught my notice was a YouTube of Korean girls learning English!
Well take it to your advantage and learn Korean the other way around


  1. ohhhh this is a helpful post!! thanks unni, i will be sure to pick up some more basic korean before my next visit! looking forward to communicate with you and suwon oppa!!

    1. LOL! That would be awsome dear~! LOL I will be looking forward to see you again!


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