Sunday, January 4, 2015

2014 Best Skin Care and Cosmetic Products

2014 is over and 2015 is here! Love new years and have a fresh start. But before I start I decided to clean up the past and give you my 2014 best skin care and cosmetic that I have reviewed! Products that is really worth trying even in the New Years! Perhaps through this I could have a better idea of what product to look for in 2015!

All of these are used by me and it might be different as my skin change it's condition in different seasons. 

Facial Oil - For the Winter, Dry Skin

Love how it's a well abosrobing product for dry skin to protect moist loss from the cold dry wind in the winter

Nature Republic Aragon 20 Degree Real Squeeze Ampoule
I would recommend this to even combo skin because it has that serum powder feeling afterwards leaving very little oil on the face but that baby soft feeling.

First Essence

Great for cleansing oil deep inside the pore to  prevent oily skin and acne growing.
A must product for all oily and combo skin

Great for Whitening Care and Wrinkle Care! Really changed my skin finding it's healthy balance

Essence and Skin and Lotion etc.
Great for wrinkle care and yet moisturizing for your skin care!

Innisfree Green Tea Balance Line
There is deep moisture line for dry skin and fresh for oily skin I tend to either be dry and oily depending on my health and season so I went for Balance line which was good enough for me!


For the Sweaty Summer nothing better than Black Cream!

For more deep moisture for cold winter and such

You can choose the level depending on your skin type I choose depending on the seaons. Level 3 for the summer and level 6 for the fall and winter

Extra Care Ampoules

Large quantity and did show effect for pore tightening!

I call this miracle product because once you are finished with the bottle you can see change on your face! Yes some skin might have bit of trouble during the first week because the skin is not used to organic ingredients but once your skin get used to it. It's a miracle change

Cleasning Products 

Very moisturizing finish with soft peeling without irritation

The best and only cleansing cream for me

Good Cleansing oil for starters! Works with all skin types!

Innisfree Calming Gel Cleanser
Love the soft finish afterwards and not drying either.

Spot Products

For Acne Spot
My miracle bottle nothing more needs to be said!

For Dark Spots / Sun Spots
For consistent care for dark spots and pore care!

Black Heads and White Head Care
Don't try to get it out all at once! but by this product every time you do it less and less black heads and white heads reappear!

Makeup Products
Even great for just texturing your face like you would with foundation! Very natural with the pore and skin texture!

Really love the strong proofed tint eyebrow. Love how it's brilliantly done and really reduce time in the morning.

Well proofed and does show the eyelashes to lengthen!

Cream Type Cushion
This was my favorite during the winter and fall. Loved the deep moist it has!

Moist Type Cushion
This saved my summer oily skin

Foundation / BB Cream
Mix your own colors! LOVE THE IDEA!

My favorite color!

Love the moist and yet the colors. what's your favoirt?

Aritaum Honey Melting tint
Like a Balm but with strong pigment!

Love the color! Don't you?

Phew after listing my cosmetic that I used this year, it was a lot! Well some are done some are still rolling around my room but still. Who can stop my love for cometic? XD

What's your altmost 2014 Makeup or Skin Care Product!!


  1. That's a lot of products! :D
    Have to think, but maybe my favourite of last year were Mizon aha 8% peeling serum and creamellow lipstick. Love these.

    Hope you have a great 2015 and plenty of opportunities to be happy and successfull. Hugs Dear.

    1. It is! I didn't know there were so much that I loved about 2014 products.
      Oh I like Mizon AHA 8% peeling serum too! I should have written a review about it. :o
      Yup love the colors for creamellow too :)

      You too! May your 2015 be happy and blessed! Kiss and Hugs! x-)

  2. that is a pretty neat sum up above! (h)

    1. (p) Glad you liked it! I'll try to up load more posts like this :) What's your favorite product for 2014?

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