Wednesday, May 28, 2014

DIY Skin Care Products! Make your Own Moisturizing Cream and Skin

I love Get it Beauty, and their tips is quiet awesome. Think about making your own Moisturizing Cream and Skin! Although the ingredients cost as much, but it's exciting to have your own hand-made products. Since it's you who made it you can make something that has nothing you are allergic to.

After you seen my video where I subbed the Talking Mirror, you can see this post where I write it down one by one, slow it down for you guys and just see the procedure together.

Ingredients needed
Well Sterilized Beaker 
Aloe Vera Gel 85g
Olive Liquid 7g
Jojoba oil 4g
Hyaluronic Acid 4g
Green Tea Extract, Pomegranate Extract, Propolis Extract 3g
 Vitamin E 3g
Tea Tree and Lavender Essential Oil 3 drops
*Deep Moisturizing Effect*

Aloe Gel has skin moisturizing and toxic Neutralization
Olive Liquid, has not irritation and yet it have great moisturizing and softening effect
Jojoba oil is great for oil control and acne
Vitamin E 3g is the Natural preservatives
With the help of Vitamin E it last 4 months so use it often as possible

Ingredients needed
Rose Flower Water 264g
Elastin 1g (Has anti wrinkle effect)
Marine Collagen 5g
Napro (Natural preservatives) 3g
Olive Liquid 30 drops
Tea Tree and Lavender Essential Oil 7 drops
*Has oil control and acne care effect*

It's quiet simple you just need to put in the ingredients in this order in this amount into the beaker and mix is well until it turns into a cream, you do need arm power for this. 

Of course it is simple to make it but getting each of these ingredients might cost a bit, but I decided to see how this work out for me, I'm currently shared this with a friend and made 3 bottles one for each. We'll see how this turn out and if it's good I might look for other method because there is so many!


  1. I love these type of posts, thank you for
    all the effort to share this. I saw Primera
    sell various types of these oils in a set so this would be
    a great way to try to diy skin care products
    but it will take me time to make the potion
    right lol. :D

    1. LOL, i'm glad you liked this post, really give me the joy of blogging^^
      I see, primera do sell oils, maybe you can start making your own effect with those oils if you got them. Oh I'm sure you can do it right x-)

  2. Thank you for posting this! Do you know where to buy the ingredients? Especially Elastin, Marine Collagen, Napro are hard to find. And can you give a review of the moisturizing cream and skin? I'd like to know how these products work for you^^

    1. The ingredients are easily bought in Korea, not so sure about around the world.
      They world great for me, the ingredients that has been introduce has acne care effects so it is helping my red dots on my cheeks :-d

  3. Thank you for subbing and posting this. Now i wanna try making my own skincare products, looks so fun :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the subbing XD
      I'll upload more of this kind since you enjoy it^^
      It is fun making your own cosmetic! :d


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