Friday, April 18, 2014

Various K pop Star Cleansing Technic!

Sometimes daily normal cleansing can get boring, or you might be just looking for more effective way to do your daily cleansing. Here's are some K pop star cleansing tips to cleansing they do to increase the effect of daily cleansing!

This was shown by Get it Beauty, Love this beauty channel!
To see Full Method of Lee Ming Jeong Cleansing Technich Watch this Video!

Some of the showed Technic that I find effective within a month of use

1. Lee Ming Jeong
Her secret is Mist!

After applying cleansing oil around the face enough, and press to melt the oil to melt the makeup. The hand heat helps the oil to melt the makeup much better


Spray the mist and wait for 30 sec and massage the skin to clean off the pore inside.
After washing off the oil with warm water 

This method give deep cleansing and also moisturizing effect!

2. Song Hye Jean
The point here in this method is they used steam towel

After face wash use warm steam towel and set it on your skin for 1 mintues to open up the pores. Massage the face parts where there is large pores

After you use pore cleansing product use water with lemons drops to tighten up the pores.

The lemon will help disinfection the pores and helps tighten the pore

3. Suji 
For oily skin who does a lot of makeup
The method secret is washing for 10 minutes 

Apply cleansing oil as if you are drawing circle for 4 minutes.

After making a thick bubble with cleansing foam apply it on the face and massage it for 2 minutes.

Use warm water to wash several times, at least 4 minutes.

This helps pore cleansing and helps get rid of turn over
so what do you think? Are you going to try any? XD

I hope these cleansing method help
If you need to know more about cleansing products check out this post!

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  1. I am willing to try the last method.. Seems lengthy but I could see me doing it from next week :D :)
    Thanks ya
    Interesting read :)

    1. I'm glad this post was interesting to you. Yes do try I'm sure it will really change your skin tone. Healthier glow and because you clean out the skin much better effect from skin care and makeup will look much more beautifuly

  2. Thanks for this ((: so interesting and there's no harm in trying it out!

    1. No harm at all! You can tell just demonstrating these three washing the demonstrator skin looks so much brighter each time she did this XD A living proof this works! x-)

  3. Looks interesting! I remember watching an episode of Get It Beauty and they recommend using salt to exfoliate during cleansing... I need to stop being lazy!!

    1. Lol, you can try once a week? When you are free? XD
      I know I can get lazy doing all those steps too!

  4. Ive read on one web, it tells that Suji is with 424 technique. the last is wash with cold water for 4 min, I dont know whether its cold or room temperature?

    1. Cold water dear, low temperature helps the skin to tighten up the pores, which is important after deep cleansing, if the pore is all opened after cleansing it will only get clogged again, and more easily. That is why I like to use Clay mask that also has tightening effect :)

    2. REALLY? but I cant hold that for 4mins!!! @-)

      how many times per week? the clay mask?


    3. Oh haha, you don't need to drown yourself just splash the cold water on your skin like you would to wipe off soap. Also, there are steam towels that you can ice in the fridge for little bit and place it on your face to cool down blemishes and tighten up the pores. I find this effective for sensitive skin to reduce irritation.

      For the Clay Mask, Mostly it's once a week, but I know some girls who is extremely oil does it twice a week, sensitive skin tend to do it once every two weeks. It will depend on how your skin is doing.

    4. NO! :D I mean, I can hold it for my hands.. my skin.. :))

      wauuuu.. Im sensitive+oily, what can I do??? =))

    5. Hmm, sensitive and oily. first you need a good cleanser that cleans off oil completely and does not irritate your sensitive skin and use skin care products that has no oil at all. if they have oil control effect use those type of skin care. you need to have patience dear.

      Even cosmetic doesn't works like magic you need time and effort, Usually when at sensitive state, it usually means you did wrong cleansing and skin care before. And broke the skin self protection barrier.

      You need products that is good for sensitive and oily skin
      Check the product ingredients I have post up a review about it :

      This will help you choose your cosmetic greatly

    6. THANKYOUUUU ;((

      but in this post its ended with warm water.. so, which one is true? warm water at beginning or last? (p)

  5. or, 4 minutes in the end means 2 for warm, 2 for cold?

    1. For this method it's warm water for 4 minutes dear.
      But I like to finish with cold :d

  6. is it means after warm water or you dont use warm water but use cold water instead? :d

    1. Your choice dear, This is like a method that Celebrities like to use but you can always fuse it with your style.


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