Tuesday, February 18, 2014


We all love new products, when it comes to lips we go crazy!
Or I go crazy, I don't really do hurl on lip products just buy what I need, but this time it's different, There was bit of disappointment on other brand mousse products how they spread too much or don't spread well at all making makeup thick whether I like it or not.

Now innisfree decided to break my sterio type of lip mousse.
Now let me introduce you to the new innisfree product


Now for the colors
There 7 type of colors for this cream tint lip mousse

Well, I decided I wanted all colors!!!
By giving my excuse that I can gift the ones I don't like XD

This collection is mostly reddish-pinkish toned color
Starting from the left the names are
#1 Small Orchid Flower Pink #2 Shy Apricot Flower #3 Scented Fresh Coral #4 Spring Days Romance Peach #5 Sweet Vitamin Red #6 Sun Ray Focus Pink #7 Orchard Orange

Mousse tend to be strong pigmented
But I like how this spreads so naturally like a lipgloss

You can see the pretty gradation of #5 Sweet Vitamin Red


Love all the colors!!!
They are all in the order of the numbers of the lip mousse.
Let's check them on the lips!!!

Top row is done lightly
Bottom row is done thick!

Overall Comment

I did mention that I did have product that disappointed me
I love this innisfree Creamy Tint Lip Mousse's pigment and how it stays on!
When you apply as long as you didn't apply a hole bunch, the tint don't move around because of the moist. 

There were colors that I felt my lip wrinkles and cracks shows too much. 
And when you do gradation makeup with the lips if you rub the lip mousse with your lips it will only make your cracks and flaky lips look more cracky-flaky.
I advice use clean fingers or lip brush

The main colors of this innisfree creamy tint lip mousse is #3 and #5 which is also happens to be my favorite colors. I heard in the summer they are going to bring out 5 new colors so wait for those too!

For More innisfree products reivew click here
For more Lip products review click here

If you are having hard time getting these product
I opened a special event for all my readers
I can go shopping for you in KOREA! in Official Stores!
So it is Authentic, You get to enjoy the Sales, and you can get your cosmetic!
I'm more than happy to help XD
For more information click here
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  1. Nice, I was going to buy this but since it dries matte, i cancelled it.

    but have you try the Etude House Skin Fit foundation?

    1. Yeah, it does have matte texture, if your lips tend to be dry this product might not be for you.
      We use these products for pretty lips you need something moist to cover up those cracks (k)
      It's a very light product great for oily skin people and it also has moist contained inside with special technic so if you are dry skin and also oily skin you might love this product.
      The coverage is just average

    2. Comparing to clio lipnicure, is this one more moist? Since I have clio lipnicure and feel clio to dry and not lasted long on my lips :(

    3. This is more moist than Clio :-d

  2. Yay~So excited you reviewed the tint lip mousse products
    I was hoping you would and you did, so thankful! :)
    All the colors are beautiful and look amazing on you as well,
    Ah I want them all and I'm definitely looking forward to the
    summer edition colors too. :))

    1. I'm glad my review was waiting for :d
      Thank you thank you! my lip was very wrinkly so I was afraid what you will say :-d
      The colors are indeed beautiful do you have a favorite?
      I wonder what colors they will bright out too :) If it's good as this, I might have to buy all 4 new colors in the summer =))

  3. your lip swatches are great :)
    but since they are this drying.. I am really not interested in buying these.

    1. I love the colors too.
      I also like the fact that this product doesn't move around you know how it gets on stuff. But this does that less. I guess matte is a problem for you there are other tint/Lip Lacquer I've recommend that is moist in this post : http://ladyfoxmakeup.blogspot.kr/2014/02/all-best-of-best-best-cosmetic-product.html#more

  4. The colors are so pretty! I really ike #1 and #3! But since I have dry lips so..... :(

    1. ;( That's too bad... But I agree... innisfree mousse came in very beautiful colors

  5. Thank you so much for doing this review! I have been waiting for someone to because i wanted to get them and couldn't choose between #3 and #5 :)
    Is the mousse lasting?
    (Also I can't wait for summer colors.... it'll make my choice more difficult though haha)

    1. Very lasting for me.
      Oh that's a tough choice #3 or #5 hmm :o
      I like #3 a tiny itchy bit better than #5 because well,, I have a soft spot for softer colors

    2. haha that's the one I ended up choosing too... I think I'm not quite brave enough to go all red just yet. D:

  6. so pretty! i saw pony (pony's beauty diary) on youtube use these and they look really lovely!
    great swatches ^^

    1. Thank you~
      Innisfree is a beautiful products, Thank you for coming to my blog! :>)

  7. I absolutely love all the colors but my heart sank when I saw that the orange isn't as orange on lips as it is in the tube =( boooo I want more oranges kekeke. I guess I don't get the product--does it dry hard or is it still wet like gloss?

    1. I'm not a orange girl but I think it would be nice to have orange and have more range of colors.
      It's glossy but clings onto the lips hard and has bi of a matte feeling, so I think it's right in the middle of dry hard and wet gloss

  8. Love them all, they look so creamy too ^^ My fave would be no. 4 <3

    1. It's a nice tone down pink :-d
      #4 is also my favorite (k)

  9. hihi, is the innisfree creamy touch tint drying like this one too?

    1. No, innisfree creamy is not as dry as this one, if you are interested in the review
      I've wrote about it here : http://ladyfoxmakeup.blogspot.kr/2014/02/2014-new-innisfree-product-innisfree.html

  10. Thank you sana ali for your comment, come back for more great reviews ;)


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