Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tony Moly Darling Tony Tint, New Edition!

Tony Moly Darling Tony Tint, New Edition!
If you know the last edition it was much smaller and not really my favorite.
However they brought out a new version, now the tint is so much moist and dye the lips so beautifully. 

I got three colors
Cherry Pink, Bad, Orange Cha Cha

Their brush is bit tilted so that its easy to apply on your lips and no uncomfortable feelings with your wrists or fingers

The colors are much more thicker on the real lips

There is this way of gradation but I know these days new type of gradation lip makeup is getting in the trend, I learned from the seller how to do this XD

After you did the gradation the way I always did
If you don't know here's how you do it.
cover up your lips with foundation or cover product to tone done the color
Than apply only on the center and smear it over your lips and apply on the center again.
Tap slightly on the lips to soften the gradation look.

This is how you do the new way!!!

I used cover products like concealers around the lips 
and tap the concealer for natural look

They are in Sale right now so do get them in SALE Price! Till end of Jan

If you are having hard time getting these product
I opened a special event for all my readers
I can go shopping for you in KOREA! in Official Stores!
So it is Authentic, You get to enjoy the Sales, and you can get your cosmetic!
I'm more than happy to help XD
For more information click here
For Ordering email here : myteacupstory@gmail.com or through FB


  1. Your gradient looks PERFECT! I can never get it so smooth, I can't figure out why >..>

    1. Practice makes perfect!
      Did you think this happened within a day? XD nope, I've been using this Technic for months! Only way is practice for me also. Well, if it still not so pretty try tapping ALOT! that's the best way to make anything smooth with makeup

  2. lovely gradient. I always love to make this kind of gradient but they happened to disappear in short time.

    1. Yes they tend to be that way,
      Try using Lip lacquer they seem to last longer, I think Clio Lipnicure last longest for me

  3. I've tried a sample of the new tony moly tint
    and I agree I like this more than the older version this one
    lasts longer too. Oh I really like the the new technique for the
    perfect gradient lip it I will now use this method too, thank you. ^.^

    1. Yup Yup Yup!, the older was a lot smaller too XD
      Cute but didn't last as long as this one.
      It's a great product to try that Technic! Turned out good for me I hope it does to you too!

  4. Hi. What shade do you use on your gradient lips? :)


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