Monday, November 25, 2013

YvesSaintLaurent Touche Eclat VS Clio Volume Brightener REVIEW! also a review request from reader

These days I wish to do more of comparing post
I feel that's best for people to decide which product is better 
and what products there are
Also I think its a great opportunity 
to let other people to get to know more about Korean Cosmetic Brand

Plus this is a review request which is WAY~ over due 
Sorry about that ;P

Left is Clio volume Brightener and Right is YvesSaintLaurent Touche Eclat

They are both brush type on the front and you click the back like a clicker pen
to squizz out the amount you need
2~3 times is enough for both brands

Clio has two color Pink Beige and Nautral Beige
YvesSaintLaurent has 5 colors more choices which is good :)

Price and Amount
Price : 13,000 won ($9.06)
Amount : 2 ml

Price : $40
Amount : 2.5 ml

Clio is so much cheaper and the amount is almost the same!

Color Difference

Clio pink / Clio Begie / YvesSaintLaurent 2 / YvesSaintLaurent 2.5
I don't see a big difference
Clio seem to be more pinkish and YvesSaintLaurent 2.5 is much darker

Coverage Testing

Overall Clio has better coverage
I think this is because YvesSaintLaurent made the cream smoother than Clio
so YvesSaintLaurent doesn't get stuck under your wrinkles as much as Clio
But the coverage Clio is much stronger

Top is Clio
Bottom is YvesSaintLaurent 

You can see darkness more on YvesSaintLaurent because of the weaker coverage
Overall since I have dark spot and dark circle I prefer stronger coverage

Plus Clio is so much cheaper

How about you? which brand do you prefer?


Under the eyes

On the cheeks

Are you interested in this product?
Are you having trouble in getting this product?
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  1. I have the Clio one too, and I love it! (: I agree that it's value for money, it's cheaper and has better coverage!

    1. I know doesn't it! It similar in many ways, but I also go for value of the cost.

  2. wow you make me want to buy the clio one! i found it in a local shop in my town, now i'll just go and get it then haha! thanks for the review!

    ☼ ☀Summer Solstice☀ ☼

  3. These are really great comparison swatches. I think I may have to buy the Clio brightener :)

    1. Lol, Thank you I'm glad you find my swatches helpful :)
      Go get that Clio!

  4. Wow the Clio is really impressive, oh missed
    this to try maybe next time hehe. ^^
    Thank you dear for comparison. :D

    1. Anytime! I think comparison is good thing to see how good the product actually is. When you just have one, you tend to miss the good features the product has. but by comparing you can see it all together!


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