Monday, October 7, 2013

DIY How to Make Your Own Eye Shadow! Get it Beauty Ep. 27

I saw this program the other day and I decided to share it with you all!

I decided to make my own eye shadow!
I think this is a great way to change anything that you didn't like about the eye shadow and make use of old-boring colors into new different colors you like!

You know how sometimes you wish this eye shadow has less fall outs? make it into a cream shadow!
You know how sometimes you wish this color had some shimmering pearl? Mix it with white pigmented pearl!

Check out what I made XD

I got this white shimmering pearl with creamy pink shade

Blend it together~
You could use the mixer in the get it beauty
But I just did it on top of a paper with a Popsicle stick
Worked well enough for me

Check out the colors! Isn't the colors beautiful?
I love shimmering eye shadow.
It works well with my skin tone.

Why don't you try making them? XD


  1. The color is so pretty!^^ I should try this out someday! (:

    1. Do try, if you have eye shadow rolling around the dust, why don't you try it out? XD


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