Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How Loves Cup Cake! XD Look What I found in Cheongdam Dong

Don't you just love Sweet Food?
I'm really sweet tooth and I really love Cup Cakes
If they are cute I love them even more!

This store was around CheongDam Dong in Seoul

Don't you just take a bite?

I took a look at their cakes 
So Cute XD

They are also selling in Sets,
It's not really cheaper but they have different design

I think I'm going to be visiting here more often then I like XD


  1. OMG looks at the cake >.< sooooo cuteeeee
    reminds me of 'Cheongdam-dong Alice' ^^
    must be really high-end district in Seoul.

    Hope i can visit there

    > Bunny cupcakes the cutest one ^^p

    Love your blog ^^ others than skincare product, i can peep the city too

    1. XD oh Please do visit! It's so deicious XD
      It is a cuteeee it was hard for me to slice the pig cupcake's head for a smaller bite

  2. Omg these are soooooo adorable! Almost too cute to be eaten!:D

    1. I know, it's such a torture! But After I ate off the cream a bit and the cutness disappear it was so delicious!

  3. Replies
    1. I know exactly! XD
      It was hard for me to crack open that pig head to eat XD


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